The Cuomo Method nutraceutical theoremdi Alessandro Cuomo

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From the table of Pythagoras to the applied technology of Stagionello® the inspiration that transforms meat and fish into nutraceutical foods


The collective memory tells us that traditional and special food shared on annual holydays, characterised by succulent dishes, was for farmers, a reward for hard work on the land, and because of this, conviviality acquired a greater value. It was meant for sharing in the celebration of life, where food was indispensably essential along with it being a primary source of survival”.

A handbook of flavours to be preserved and passed down to future generations before they become lost to the digital unknown: Alessandro Cuomo relays ideas on his method through a food excursion rooted in Pythagorean times, offering an awarness of an atavistic rural discipline as the art of conservation, sending a fundamental signal of that product awarness and cuisine that has currently become culture and an inexhaustible source of inspiration and innovation.

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The collective memory tells us that traditional and special food shared on annual holydays, characterised by succulent dishes, was for farmers, a reward for hard work on the land, and because of this, conviviality acquired a greater value. It was meant for sharing in the celebration of life, where food was indispensably essential along with it being a primary source of survival”. A handbook of flavours to be preserved and passed down to future generations before they become lost to the digital unknown: Alessandro Cuomo relays ideas on his method through a food excursion rooted in Pythagorean times, offering an awarness of an atavistic rural discipline as the art of conservation, sending a fundamental signal of that product awarness and cuisine that has currently become culture and an inexhaustible source of inspiration and innovation.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: Alessandro Cuomo EAN/ISB:
Editore: Rubbettino Editore Protezione: watermark |
Formati disponibili: epub Pagine versione cartacea:
Lingua: en Estratto: Leggi

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