Scientific Method Steps: Archaeology is Not a Job?di Jean Gran-Aymerich

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COD: EDGT431861 Categorie: ,


I would like to share most of my archaeological adventures and discoveries, by offering a panorama of my career path likely to interest different categories of readers. Each chapter works autonomously and can be read independently from the others. This volume includes publication extracts in French or Spanish, some of them in English, Italian or German. The selection of texts, as well as images that are by the author, reflects the progresses of my investigations and the adopted methods. The introductions to the chapters ensure the connection and cohesion of the whole work. The first part deals with the study of objects, for the mostly part Etruscan vases examined in the main museums in Paris, Rome, the Vatican, Brussels, London, Madrid, Tunisia etc. The second part concerns my excavations and fieldworks in France, Italy, Spain, Western Sahara and Tunisia. The last part brings out the methodological, cultural and interdisciplinary aspects of my career.

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I would like to share most of my archaeological adventures and discoveries, by offering a panorama of my career path likely to interest different categories of readers. Each chapter works autonomously and can be read independently from the others. This volume includes publication extracts in French or Spanish, some of them in English, Italian or German. The selection of texts, as well as images that are by the author, reflects the progresses of my investigations and the adopted methods. The introductions to the chapters ensure the connection and cohesion of the whole work. The first part deals with the study of objects, for the mostly part Etruscan vases examined in the main museums in Paris, Rome, the Vatican, Brussels, London, Madrid, Tunisia etc. The second part concerns my excavations and fieldworks in France, Italy, Spain, Western Sahara and Tunisia. The last part brings out the methodological, cultural and interdisciplinary aspects of my career.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: Jean Gran-Aymerich EAN/ISB:
Editore: Mimesis Edizioni Protezione: watermark |
Formati disponibili: pdf Pagine versione cartacea: 458
Lingua: it Estratto: Leggi

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Informazioni sull'autore

Jean Gran-Aymerich
Jean Gran-Aymerich (Barcelona, 1947). Graduated in Archaeology in Perugia and Paris (Sorbonne, École du Louvre, École Pratique des Hautes Études). Employment: Musée du Louvre (Scientific Associate) and CNRS (Research Director). Studies in European museums, Tunisia and the United States. Promoter and director of excavations in France, Spain and Italy, missions in Europe and Africa. Guest professor in various universities (Spain, Belgium, Tunisia and the United States). Authorship: 8 monographs, 550 articles in various languages. Full member of the Académie des orientalistes, Toulouse.


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