Methods and models for planning the development of regional airport systems

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In this framework a key issue for the air transport industry is to develop methods and models that can simulate future configurations of air transport system, so that external and internal impacts of innovations, modifications and decisions can be analysed. This book, which contains contributions by an international group of academic researchers involved in the air transport field, represents a decision support tool for all the stakeholders of regional airport systems.

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In this framework a key issue for the air transport industry is to develop methods and models that can simulate future configurations of air transport system, so that external and internal impacts of innovations, modifications and decisions can be analysed. This book, which contains contributions by an international group of academic researchers involved in the air transport field, represents a decision support tool for all the stakeholders of regional airport systems.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: EAN/ISB: 9788856803273
Editore: Franco Angeli Edizioni Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: pdf Pagine versione cartacea: 114
Lingua: it Estratto: Leggi

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