Icelanddi AA. VV.

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National Geographic Traveler: Iceland is the lighthouse to follow if you do not want to miss anything of the unique and incredible atmosphere, from the northern lights to the capital, Reykjavík, which comes to life in the long summer nights of the Arctic Circle. Enjoy the fishing ports of the southern peninsula; admire the volcanoes, glaciers, and waterfalls of the south; explore the mysterious eastern lands; be fascinated by the rich wild nature up north; or venture among the spectacular bird-populated cliffs and glaciers of the Westfjords.

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National Geographic Traveler: Iceland is the lighthouse to follow if you do not want to miss anything of the unique and incredible atmosphere, from the northern lights to the capital, Reykjavík, which comes to life in the long summer nights of the Arctic Circle. Enjoy the fishing ports of the southern peninsula; admire the volcanoes, glaciers, and waterfalls of the south; explore the mysterious eastern lands; be fascinated by the rich wild nature up north; or venture among the spectacular bird-populated cliffs and glaciers of the Westfjords.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: AA. VV. EAN/ISB: 9788854419711
Editore: White Star Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: epub Pagine versione cartacea:
Lingua: ita Estratto: Leggi

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