Handbook of Electromagnetics

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This text presents the fundamentals of electromagnetism theory to an audience that includes students who do not possess the mathematical tools of differential vector calculus. After briefly recalling the concept of field and vector calculus, the theory of electrostatics and magnetostatics is summarized to move on to a presentation of Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential form. The properties of the simplest solutions of Maxwell’s equations are then described: uniform plane waves. The theory of electromagnetism is, finally, applied to the study of transmission lines, both as a vehicle of guided propagation and as circuit elements, addressing the important problem of matching.
This text is an English translation of the book by the authors of “Appunti di Campi Elettromagnetici”, Sixth edition, Maggioli Editore, 2013.

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This text presents the fundamentals of electromagnetism theory to an audience that includes students who do not possess the mathematical tools of differential vector calculus. After briefly recalling the concept of field and vector calculus, the theory of electrostatics and magnetostatics is summarized to move on to a presentation of Maxwell's equations in integral and differential form. The properties of the simplest solutions of Maxwell's equations are then described: uniform plane waves. The theory of electromagnetism is, finally, applied to the study of transmission lines, both as a vehicle of guided propagation and as circuit elements, addressing the important problem of matching. This text is an English translation of the book by the authors of "Appunti di Campi Elettromagnetici", Sixth edition, Maggioli Editore, 2013.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: EAN/ISB: 9788891636133
Editore: Politecnica Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: pdf Pagine versione cartacea: 186
Lingua: en Estratto: Leggi

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