Gen Z and the Future of Wealthdi Claudio Scardovi

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The world has never been so rich – at least financially. And so unsustainable – economically, socially and environmentally. In fact, we are all living a “nemesis of wealth” (nealth), caused by our short-sighted choices of the past, which focused only on ROE, NPV and shareholders’ value. This “nealth” is now paying us back not only with loads of public debt, inflationary money and debased cryptocurrencies; but also with unbearable social discrimination, geopolitical tensions and wars and de-globalization; and last but not least, with the ticking time bomb of climate change. If this is the legacy of our “intergenerational arbitrage,” what is the future for the Gen Z and for the Gen Alpha to come? How can they manage and overcome all these unbearable burdens to regain the lost sustainability? A new definition of wealth, based on a more holistic “total sustainability,” is then required; and correspondingly, new models to design, manage and value a targeted wealth creation that is relevant to many stakeholders. Never has been the challenge of change for the wealth management industry so critical – as in the future of wealth, and of its industry, could lie the future of humanity as well.

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The world has never been so rich – at least financially. And so unsustainable – economically, socially and environmentally. In fact, we are all living a “nemesis of wealth” (nealth), caused by our short-sighted choices of the past, which focused only on ROE, NPV and shareholders’ value. This “nealth” is now paying us back not only with loads of public debt, inflationary money and debased cryptocurrencies; but also with unbearable social discrimination, geopolitical tensions and wars and de-globalization; and last but not least, with the ticking time bomb of climate change. If this is the legacy of our “intergenerational arbitrage,” what is the future for the Gen Z and for the Gen Alpha to come? How can they manage and overcome all these unbearable burdens to regain the lost sustainability? A new definition of wealth, based on a more holistic “total sustainability,” is then required; and correspondingly, new models to design, manage and value a targeted wealth creation that is relevant to many stakeholders. Never has been the challenge of change for the wealth management industry so critical – as in the future of wealth, and of its industry, could lie the future of humanity as well.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: Claudio Scardovi EAN/ISB: 9788899902896
Editore: Egea Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: epub Pagine versione cartacea:
Lingua: en Estratto: Leggi

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Informazioni sull'autore

Claudio Scardovi
Claudio Scardovi è managing director responsabile per l’industria dei Servizi Finanziari per AlixPartners per l’EMEA (Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa), professore a contratto di Sistemi Finanziari presso l’Università Bocconi e visiting professor presso la SDA Bocconi. Con un’esperienza ventennale di lavoro come consulente strategico, investment banker e private equity partner per società nord americane, asiatiche ed europee, ed anche come imprenditore, l’autore ha lavorato con molte delle principali istituzioni finanziarie internazionali su un ampio portafoglio di temi legati al banking, al credito e al real estate. Claudio Scardovi ha inoltre pubblicato 12 libri con varie case editrici (Mondadori, Egea, Il Sole 24 Ore, Edibank, Quondam – quattro di questi financial thriller con lo pseudonimo di John Stitch) ed è autore di circa 200 tra articoli, saggi e ricerche in ambito strategico e finanziario.


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