Florence and Tuscanydi AA. VV.

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National Geographic Traveler: Florence and Tuscany offers the best of Florence and Tuscany. Illustrations, history, and practical information allow you to learn much about the monuments of Florence, from the Duomo to Piazza della Signoria, museums and galleries, Renaissance palaces, and churches. After Florence, you can move toward Siena and San Gimignano, visit the Chianti region if you are a wine lover or the Apuan Alps for some excursions, or head to the south of the region to learn about the history and culture of the Etruscans on a beach holiday. In central-southern Tuscany, you can appreciate the abbeys, historic villages, and the sublime countryside, stopping in Pienza or Montalcino for excursions. Witness historical re-enactments and events and enjoy the pleasure of cooking, including wines are an inseparable part of the trip. Indulge in shopping for fashion, art, and antiques.

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National Geographic Traveler: Florence and Tuscany offers the best of Florence and Tuscany. Illustrations, history, and practical information allow you to learn much about the monuments of Florence, from the Duomo to Piazza della Signoria, museums and galleries, Renaissance palaces, and churches. After Florence, you can move toward Siena and San Gimignano, visit the Chianti region if you are a wine lover or the Apuan Alps for some excursions, or head to the south of the region to learn about the history and culture of the Etruscans on a beach holiday. In central-southern Tuscany, you can appreciate the abbeys, historic villages, and the sublime countryside, stopping in Pienza or Montalcino for excursions. Witness historical re-enactments and events and enjoy the pleasure of cooking, including wines are an inseparable part of the trip. Indulge in shopping for fashion, art, and antiques.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: AA. VV. EAN/ISB: 9788854419704
Editore: White Star Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: epub Pagine versione cartacea:
Lingua: ita Estratto: Leggi

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