External costs of transport systems: Theory and applications. Selected papersdi AA. VV.

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Selected papers


This book contains a selection of the papers presented during the Scientific Seminar 2010 of the Italian Society of Transportation Scholars, which focuses on mathematical models and techniques to investigate the external costs of transport systems, including some case studies.

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This book contains a selection of the papers presented during the Scientific Seminar 2010 of the Italian Society of Transportation Scholars, which focuses on mathematical models and techniques to investigate the external costs of transport systems, including some case studies.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: AA. VV. EAN/ISB: 9788820446031
Editore: Franco Angeli Edizioni Protezione: acs4 |
Formati disponibili: pdf Pagine versione cartacea: 333
Lingua: it Estratto: Leggi

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