Children, the War and Us

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Living authentically with the different ways of feeling


The second in the “Fragments” series of digital publishing dedicated to Loris Malaguzzi, and making available to a wider public his writings and talks during professional development, conferences, and conventions.

This volume collects some contributions from Loris Malaguzzi on the theme of war, dating from the beginning of 1991 (in conjuction withe the Gulf War).
Despite being formulated more than thirty years ago and despite radical changes in the media, the words of Malaguzzi are still capable to “resonate” with educators, teachers, and parents, inviting to reflect on how living authentically with the different ways of feeling, children and adults together, in search of the meanings of events that the media bring daily into our homes – and in the children’s eys – in real time.

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The second in the "Fragments" series of digital publishing dedicated to Loris Malaguzzi, and making available to a wider public his writings and talks during professional development, conferences, and conventions. This volume collects some contributions from Loris Malaguzzi on the theme of war, dating from the beginning of 1991 (in conjuction withe the Gulf War). Despite being formulated more than thirty years ago and despite radical changes in the media, the words of Malaguzzi are still capable to "resonate" with educators, teachers, and parents, inviting to reflect on how living authentically with the different ways of feeling, children and adults together, in search of the meanings of events that the media bring daily into our homes – and in the children's eys – in real time.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Autore: EAN/ISB:
Editore: Reggio Children Protezione: watermark |
Formati disponibili: epub, pdf Pagine versione cartacea: 59
Lingua: en Estratto: Leggi

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